Monday, April 29, 2013

Zackary James

This past Friday, the 26th, we welcomed our new son, Zackary James Dellinger, into the world!  He weighed 8-lbs 8oz and was 21 inches long.  We are extremely blessed to be the parents to this sweet boy and praise our Heavenly Father for his life.  Looking forward to watching him grow with his sisters.  The girls are excited about their new brother and have been great little helpers!

Magnolia is in heaven!

Check out the looks these jealous sisters are giving each other..haha!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fabulous February!

We had lots of fun visiting with Nana and Papa D in East Bend for the month of February!  We visited the Asheboro zoo, ate lots of yummy food, explored outside, splashed in mud puddles, and just enjoyed country life!  Thank you Nana and Papa for such a wonderful time!!
Sharing mini cupcakes with Nana!

Playing with Daddy!

Daisy's shirt says it all! ;)


Almost as long as an alligator!

Mags loved the chimps at the zoo!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wonderful January!

We have had a very enjoyable month of January spending time with my side of the family. Cousin Erica had her 1st birthday while cousin Amelia celebrated her 5th birthday! Aunt Tracy also had a birthday, which means my children think they should eat birthday cake every day of the year...haha. We have taken numerous walks outside, played in the sandbox, and have not missed the cold winter weather in Cut Bank! Josh and I were able to sneak away for a few days without the kiddos.  We stayed in Gatlinburg, TN and hiked some of the trails in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  This next month we will be heading to East Bend to see Josh's side...looking forward to another month of fun!
Mom's crocuses are in bloom!  These don't bloom in MT until May!

Happy 1st Birthday Erica!

Hike in Smoky Mountain National Park

Our attempt to get a picture of Nana with her 6 grandbabies!

Blowing bubbles with Nana

Amelia's party at Build-A-Bear, happy 5th birthday!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Road Trip!!

After 43 hours in the car with 2 kids and a dog...we made it to NC!!! We left Montana at 10 pm last Friday hoping the girls would sleep through the night, at 4 am they were still up giggling and singing "Joy to the World" and "Away in a Manger" at the top of their lungs.   We made a pitstop in Illinois to see Grandpa and Grandma Puzey.  They welcomed us with open arms and we gladly parked the Tahoe for 3 days of rest before finishing out the last 13 hours of our trip to NC!! We had a very relaxing Christmas and enjoyed watching it snow outside while we stayed warm and cozy in the house! 
Opening presents at Grandma Puzey's!

Thanks for my princess crown and wand Nana!!

Grandma & Grandpa Puzey

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Dresses!

Thank you Nana E. for our beautiful matching Christmas dresses. The girls enjoyed wearing them to church this morning and dancing around the living room like little princesses. We are very blessed to have these two girls as our daughters!
Magnolia Fay

Daisy Lucille

This picture really captures their personalities!



Friday, November 30, 2012

Gingerbread House!

I am 30 years old and have never made a Gingerbread House...sooooo Mags and I decided to change that fact and make one!!! We had so much fun putting the icing and candy on the house. Magnolia is going to be quite a craft queen as she works very well with her hands...can't wait to do more projects with her!
Getting all set up!

Magnolia has really steady hands!


Surprisingly Magnolia didn't eat any of the candy while we were decorating...she must be Josh's child!

Friday, November 9, 2012


We praise the Lord for a successful and fun hunting season! We are very grateful for Nana D. who watched the girls so we could go get some meat! Each time we came home with an animal Maggie would tell us how proud she was of us...haha...she is such an encourager!  Only a couple more weekends left for Josh to fill his buck tag...but it is snowing like crazy here.   We already have a foot of snow and it is still coming down!
Papa D's Mule Deer Buck!

Kristen's Mule Deer Buck!

Josh's Cow Elk!